Material Training (MAT courses):
If you need to take any of the training listed below, please contact one of the following listed training providers to register for an offsite training session:
- MAT0002 - Basic DOT Hazardous Material Transportation Training (INITIAL TRAINING)
- MAT0003 - DOT Hazardous Material Transportation (RE-TRAINING)
- MAT0004 - Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air Training (IATA)
- MAT0006 - Advanced Radioactive Materials Shipping
- MAT0007 - Mixed/Hazardous/Radioactive Material Transportation Training
- MAT0008 - Advanced Mixed/Hazardous/Radioactive Materials Transportation Training
- MAT0010 - Infectious Biological Material Transport Training
- MAT0013 - IATA/Biologicals & Dry Ice Shipper
Training Providers