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CPR and First Aid Training Enrollment Process

Who can enroll
CPR/AED and First Aid training is only for staff who have these as Required or Recommended. It is not for staff who want to take the training as an ellective.

We pay a vendor to provide the training at a cost so only have enough sessions to meet the needs of those who are required to complete the training in order to be qualified to dotheir work. In order to manage the cost and better serve our required customers, we will prioritize enrollment as follows:

  1. Priority 1: Those who have trainings as a requirement
  2. Priority 2: Those who have trainings as recommended
  3. Priority 3: Those who want to take trainings as an elective

What if I want to take the training as an elective?
Staff who want to take CPR or First Aid as an elective have the following options:

  1. Stand by: Show up to a scheduled session to see if there is room. If there is space available, for example if someone doesn’t show up, or the class is not full, you will be able to attend.  
  2. Take the training offsite. For example, CPR and First Aid training are available through local chapters of the American Red Cross.
  3. Coordinated Group Trainings: Many groups and Divisions at the Lab already schedule special CPR or First Aid sessions for their staff that they pay for. EHS Training can help schedule these.

Who do I talk to if I have questions?
James Basore, EHS Training Manager, [email protected], or ext 7524